1000+ Great Adjective List From A to Z

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1000+ [GREAT] Adjective List From A to Z


Want to describe something but you struggle so much in finding the right words? There’s a long list of adjectives from A to Z, so it might be a bit challenging to choose. However, describing wouldn’t be that difficult when you know enough adjectives to use. Good news! You don’t need to look further because we have compiled the best lists you will ever need to look for the perfect word! Check out below our adjective lists from a to z! We provided the best adjectives that start with A to Z for you to choose from.

Positive Adjectives That Start With A



Need positive adjectives that start with A to spread more positivity? We want you to have what you want, so we give you the first list we have in store for you. Here are some adjectives that start with A which you can choose from.  Pick your choice cause you, they will never run out!

Abatic Abecedarian Abeyant
Abducent Aberrant Abhorrent
Abject Abrupt Acclaimed
Ablative Abscessed Accommodating
Ablaze Absent Accomplished
Able Absolute Accordant
Abloom Absolved Accurate
Ablutionary Absorbable Aching
Abnormal Absorbed Acidic
Abolishable Absorbing Acknowledged
Abolitionary Absorptive Acrobatic
Aboriginal Abstinent Active
Abortive Abstracted Actual
Aboulic Abstractionist Actually
Abounding Abundant Adamant
About Abused Adaptable
Aboveboard Abusive Adept
Aboveground Abysmal Adequate
Abranchial Abyssal Adhesive
Abranchiate Academic Adhoc
Abranchious Acceptable Adjusted
Abrasive Accessible Admirable
Admired Agonizing Ambitious
Admissible Agreeable Amelioratory
Adorable Ahead Amenable
Adored Aholic Amicable
Adroit Alarmed Ample
Advantaged Alarming Amused
Adventuresome Alcoholic Amusing
Adventurous Alert Anchored
Aesthetic Alienated Ancient
Aesthetical Alike Angelic
Affable Alive Animated
Affecting All Annual
Affectionate All-important Antsy
Affiliated Alleged Anxious
Affluent Allied Any
Afraid Aloof Apathetic
Aged Alright Apollonian
Ageless Amative Appealing
Agile Amatory Appetent
Agitated Ambiguous Apposite
Apprehensible Assiduous August
Apprehensive Assistant Auspicious
Approachable Associate Authentic
Apropos Associative Automatic
Apt Assured Autonomous
Aquatic Assuring Available
Arctic Astonishing Avant-garde
Arid Astounding Awaited
Aromatic Astute Awake
Arousing Athletic Aware
Arrogant Attached Awash
Articulate Attainable Awesome
Artistic Attendant Awful
Ashamed Attentive Awkward
Aspirant Attractive
Assertive Au fait

Describe a Person

Describing a person can be difficult when you don’t know the proper words to use. And by proper, we meant the meaning and the usage altogether to create a perfect description of someone. It’s not enough that you only have a list of adjectives, right? You need to know how they are used in a sentence.

So, if you are wondering for A words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use A words to describe someone.

Academic: marked by a narrow display of or focus on learning; associated with an academy or academia; scholarly.

  • My mother used to be an academic person until she got married.

Acclaimed: publicly praised; celebrated.

  • I have just recently bought a book by a highly acclaimed British author.

Adroit: quick, skillful or adept in thought or action; clever; dexterous; skillful.

  • The coach was perplexed by his adroit performance during the game.

Affable: having characteristics that attract love or affection; good-natured, easy and pleasant to talk to or friendly; gracious; benign; courteous.

  • He knew that her affable nature would soon make him fall for her.

Amicable: characterized by friendliness and goodwill; friendly; peaceable.

  • The ambassadors were amicable and showed a sense of professionalism during the international conference.

Apt: quick to understand or learn; prepared; ready; willing; suitable; appropriate; fit or fitted.

  • Humans, when put in a tight situation, are apt to lose their good nature.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With B



Need positive adjectives that start with B? Here are some adjectives that start with B which you can choose from.

Balanced Beatific Beautified
Baronial Beauteous Becoming
Beaming Blooming Budding
Beefy Blue-ribbon Buff
Believable Bodacious Bullish
Beloved Boisterous Businesslike
Benedictory Bonafide Buxom
Benefic Bonny Babyish
Beneficent Bonzer Back
Beneficial Boss Bad
Beneficiary Bound Baggy
Benevolent Bounteous Bare
Benign Bountiful Barren
Benignant Brainy Basic
Bent on Brave Beautiful
Big-time Brawny Belated
Biggest Breezy Best
Bijou Bright Better
Blameless Brill Bewitched
Blazing Brimming Big
Blessed Broadminded Big-hearted
Blissful Brotherly Bronze
Blithe Boiling Brown
Bite-sized Bold Bruised
Bitter Bony Bubbly
Black Boring Bulky
Black-and-white Bossy Bumpy
Bland Both Buoyant
Blank Bouncy Burdensome
Blaring Bowed Burly
Bleak Breakable Bustling
Blind Brief Busy
Blond Brilliant Buttery
Blue Brisk Buzzing
Blushing Broken

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for B words to describe a person, we have a list of sample sentences that use B words to describe someone.

Blithe: carefree and happy and lighthearted

  • Monica was loved for her blithe spirit

Bonny: very pleasing to the eye

  • He is such a bonny lass

Bouncy: marked by lively action

  • She has always been admired for her bouncy and optimistic personality.

Brainy: having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence

  • This group has brainy team members.

Bubbly: full of or showing high spirits

  • The bubbly children made the grandmas happy.

Brave: ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.

  • I was raised by a brave single mother.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With C



Need positive adjectives that start with C? We have provided some adjectives that start with C which you can choose from. Below is a list of adjectives for you!

Calm Charismatic Comfortable
Calmative Charitable Comforting
Calming Charming Comic
Can-do Cheerful Comical
Candescent Cherished Commanding
Canny Cherry Commendable
Canty Chic Commendatory
Capable Childlike Commending
Capital Chipper Commiserative
Captivating Chirpy Committed
Cared for Chivalrous Commodious
Carefree Choice Commonsensical
Careful Chosen Communicative
Caring Chummy Commutual
Casual Civic Companionable
Causative Civil Compassionate
Celebrated Civilized Compatible
Celebrities Clairvoyant Compelling
Celestial Classic Competent
Centered Classical Complete
Central Classy Completed
Cerebral Clean Complimentary
Certain Clear Composed
Champion Clear-cut Comprehensive
Changeable Clearheaded Concentrated
Changeless Clement Concise
Consentient Clever Conclusive
Consequential Close Concordant
Considerable Clubby Concrete
Considerate Coadjutant Condolatory
Consistent Coequal Confederate
Consonant Cogent Conferrable
Conspicuous Cognizant Confident
Constant Coherent Congenial
Constitutional Collected Cooperative
Constructive Conversant Coordinated
Contemplative Convictive Copacetic
Contemporary Convincing Copious
Content Convivial Cordial
Contributive Cool Correct
Convenient Cultivated Coruscant
Courtly Cultured Cosmic
Cozy Cunning Cozy
Crackerjack Curious Courageous
Creamy Current Courteous
Creative Curvaceous
Credible Cushy
Creditable Cute
Crisp Cutting-edge
Crystal (Clear)

Describe a Person

If you are searching for C words to describe a person, we have a list of sample sentences that use C words to describe someone.

Carefree: free from anxiety or responsibility

  • My mother is a carefree woman.

Caring: feeling and exhibiting concern and empathy for others

  • I am happy that I am blessed with caring friends

Cautious: showing careful forethought

  • Everyone should be cautious in driving.

Childlike: befitting a young child; exhibiting childlike simplicity and credulity

  • Her childlike behavior is annoying to many people.

Cultured: marked by refinement in taste and manners

  • Being a cultured individual is often tied to arts and poetry.

Compassionate: showing or having sympathy for another’s suffering

  • A compassionate person always tries to do something to help ease the suffering.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With D


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with D? Here are some adjectives that start with D which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Dainty Delighted Distinctive
Dandy Delightful Distinguished
Dapper Deluxe Distinguishing
Daring Demanding Diverse
Dark Demonstrative Diverting
Darling Dental Divine
Dashing Dependable Doable
Dauntless Dependent Dominant
Dazzling Descriptive Doting
Dear Deserving Double
Dearest Designer Doubtless
Debonair Desirable Doughty
Decent Desired Down-to-earth
Deciding Desirous Downright
Decimal Destined Drab
Decisive Detailed Drafty
Decorous Determined Dramatic
Dedicated Developed Dreamy
Deep Developing Driven
Defensive Devoted Driving
Definite Devotional Dry
Definitive Devout Dual
Delectable Dexterous Durable
Deliberate Didactic Dutiful
Delicate Different Dynamic
Delicious Digital Dynamite
Discerning Dignified Dirty
Disciplined Diligent Disarming
Discreet Dim
Discrete Dimpled
Disguised Diplomatic
Distinct Direct

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for D words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use D words to describe someone.

Dependable: worthy of reliance or trust

  • They hired a dependable worker.

Desirable: worth having or seeking or achieving

  • All her suitors are very desirable.

Devoted: dedicated exclusively to a purpose or use

  • Her everyday routine shows she is a devoted believer.

Devout: deeply religious

  • Many devout Christians strictly practice their religion.

Docile: willing to be taught or led or supervised or directed

  • Most teachers desire docile student.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With E


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with E this time? Here are some adjectives that start with E which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.


Eager Early Earnest
Earthly Effectual Eligible
Earthy Effervescent Elliptical
Easy Efficient Eloquent
Easy-going Effortless Embellished
Easygoing Elaborate Emerging
Ebullient Elastic Eminent
Eclectic Elated Emotional
Economic Elating Empathetic
Economical Elder Employable
Ecstatic Elderly Empowered
Ecumenical Electric Empty
Edible Electrifying Enamored
Edified Eleemosynary Enchanted
Educated Elegant Enchanting
Educational Elemental Encouraged
Effective Elementary Encouraging
Endearing Enthralling Erudite
Enduring Enthusiastic Especial
Energetic Enticing Essential
Energizing Entire Established
Engaging Entrancing Esteemed
Enhanced Entrepreneurial Esthetic
Enjoyable Epicurean Esthetical
Enlightened Epideictic Eternal
Enlightening Equable Ethical
Enlivened Equal Euphoric
Enlivening Equatorial Even
Enormous Equiponderant Even-handed
Enough Equipped Eventful
Enriching Equitable Evergreen
Enterprising Equivalent Everlasting
Entertaining Erotic Every
Evident Exemplary Explorative
Evocative Exhausted Expressive
Exact Exhilarating Exquisite
Exalted Exotic Extra-large
Exceeding Expansive Extra-small
Excellent Expectant Extraneous
Exceptional Expeditious Extraordinary
Excitable Expeditive Extroverted
Excited Expensive Exuberant
Exciting Experienced Exultant
Executive Expert Eye-catching

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for E words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use E words to describe someone.

Easygoing: relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner

  • An easygoing teacher who allowed extra time for assignments

Ebullient: cheerful and full of energy; joyously unrestrained

  • She sounded ebullient and happy

Eloquent: expressing yourself readily, clearly, effectively

  • He was eloquent of speech.

Erudite: having or showing profound knowledge

  • Once, when I was in college, I had an erudite professor.

Exuberant: filled with or characterized by a lively energy and excitement

  • The exuberant crowd yelled even more upon seeing the star.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With F


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with F this time? Here are some adjectives that start with F which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Fab Fabulous Facile
Factual Far-reaching Fecund
Facultative Far-sighted Feisty
Fain Faraway Felicitous
Faint Fascinating Feline
Fair Fashionable Female
Faithful Fast Feminine
Famed Fat Fertile
Familial Fatal Fervent
Familiar Fatherly Festal
Family Faultless Festive
Famous Favorable Fetching
Fancy Favored Few
Fantastic Favorite Fickle
Far Fearful Fiery
Far-flung Fearless Fine
Far-off Feasible Finer
Finest Flawless Foresighted
Finished Fleet Forgiving
Firm Flexible Forked
First Flickering Formal
First-class Flimsy Formidable
First-rate Flippant Forthcoming
Firsthand Flourishing Forthright
Fit Flowery Fortified
Fitting Fluent Fortuitous
Fixed Fluffy Fortunate
Flamboyant Fluid Forward
Flash Flustered Foundational
Flashy Flying Four-star
Flat Focused Foxy
Flavorful Fond Fragrant
Flawed Foremost Frail
Frank Frilly Full
Fraternal Frisky Fumbling
Frayed Front Fun
Free Front-page Functional
Freely Frosty Funny
French Frozen Fussy
Frequent Fruitful Futuristic
Fresh Fulfilled Fuzzy
Friendly Fulfilling

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for F words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use F words to describe someone.

Forgiving: inclined or able to forgive and show mercy

  • He is blessed with a forgiving father.

Forthright: characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion

  • The administration is quite forthright in this matter.

Fortunate: favored by or involving good luck or fortune; lucky

  • She’d been fortunate to escape the fire.

Frank: open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters

  • A frank person can often hurt other’s feelings.

Friendly: kind and pleasant

  • They were friendly to me.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With G


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with G this time? Here are some adjectives that start with G which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Gabby Gainful Gallant
Galore Giant Glowing
Game Giddy Glum
Gamesome Gifted Gnarly
Gamy Gigantic Goal-oriented
Gaping Giving Godly
Gaseous Glad Golden
Gaudy Glamorous Good
General Glaring Good-humored
Generous Glass Good-looking
Genial Gleaming Good-natured
Genteel Gleeful Goodhearted
Gentle Glib Goodly
Genuine Glistening Goofy
Germane Glittering Gorgeous
Get-at-able Glorious Graced
Gettable Glossy Graceful
Gracile Greathearted Gubernatorial
Gracious Greedy Guided
Gradely Green Guiding
Graithly Gregarious Guileless
Grand Grey Guilt-free
Grandiose Gripping Guiltless
Granular Groovy Guilty
Grateful Grounded Gullible
Gratified Growing Gummy
Gratifying Grown Gumptious
Gray Grubby Gustatory
Greasy Grumpy Gusty
Great Guaranteed Gutsy
Greatest Guarded Gymnastic

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for G words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use G words to describe someone.

Generous: willing to give and share unstintingly

  • He was generous enough to offer me his food.

Gentle: mild in temperament or behavior; kind or tender

  • The president of the company is a gentle and sensitive man.

Glamorous: having glamour

  • A Netflix series features the world’s most extraordinary and glamorous houses.

Gorgeous: beautiful; very attractive

  • Women dressed in their gorgeous attires during this year’s Paris Fashion Week.

Graceful: having or showing grace or elegance

  • She was a tall, slender, and graceful lady.

Grateful: feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful

  • I’m very grateful to you for all your help.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With H


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with H this time? Here are some adjectives that start with H which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Halcyon Hale Hallowed
Handsome Heavenly High-spirited
Handy Heedful Highest
Happening Hegemonic Highly regarded
Happy Helpful Highly valued
Happy-go-lucky Hep Hilarious
Hard-working Heralded Hip
Hardy Heroic Holy
Harmless Heteroclite Homely
Harmonious Heuristic Honest
Head High Honeyed
Healing High-class Honorary
Healthful High-minded Honorable
Healthy High-power Honored
Heart-to-heart High-powered Hopeful
Heartfelt High-priority Hortative
Hearty High-reaching Hospitable
Hot Hard-to-find Hilarious
Hotshot Harmless Homely
Humane Harmonious Honest
Humanitarian Harsh Honorable
Humble Hasty Honored
Humorous Healthy Hopeful
Hygienic Heartfelt Hospitable
Hairy Hearty Hot
Half Heavenly Huge
Handmade Heavy Humble
Handsome Hefty Humming
Handy Helpful Humongous
Happy High Hungry
Happy-go-lucky High-level Husky

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for H words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use H words to describe someone.

Handsome: good-looking

  • She married a handsome

Heartfelt: sincere; deeply and strongly felt

  • The foundation expressed its heartfelt

Heavenly: very pleasing; wonderful; of heaven; divine

  • She smells

Honest: free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere

–      I have been totally honest with you.

Humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance

  • Audrey Hepburn was a beautiful yet humble woman.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With I


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with me this time? Here are some adjectives that start with me which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Icy Ideal Idealistic
Identical Immortal Improvisational
Idiosyncratic Immune Inborn
Idolized Impartial Incisive
Ignorant Impassioned Included
Illimitable Impeccable Inclusive
Illuminated Impeccant Incomparable
Illuminating Imperturbable Inconsequential
Illustrious Impish Incontestable
Imaginary Important Incontrovertible
Imaginative Impossible Incredible
Imitable Impractical Inculpable
Immaculate Impressionable Indefatigable
Immaterial Impressive Indelible
Immeasurable Improbable Independent
Immediate Improved Indestructible
Immense Improving Indispensable
Indisputable Influential Inspiring
Individual Informal Inspiriting
Individualistic Informative Instantaneous
Indivisible Informed Instinctive
Indomitable Ingenious Instructive
Indubitable Inimitable Instrumental
Industrious Initiate Integral
Inerrant Initiative Integrated
Inexhaustible Innocent Intellectual
Infallible Innovative Intelligent
Infamous Innoxious Intense
Infant Inquisitive Intent
Infantile Insightful Intentional
Infatuated Insignificant Interactive
Inferior Insistent Interconnected
Infinite Inspired Interested
Interesting Introducer Irrefragable
Internal Inventive Irrefutable
International Invigorated Irreplaceable
Intertwined Invigorating Irrepressible
Intimate Invincible Irreproachable
Intoxicating Inviolable Irresistible
Intrepid Inviting Intriguing

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for I word to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use I words to describe someone.

Immaculate: perfectly clean

  • I will never get tired of expressing my immaculate love for you.

Impeccable: (of behavior, performance, or appearance) in accordance with the highest standards of propriety; faultless

  • He is looking for a secretary of impeccable character.

Inseparable:  unwilling to be separated; usually seen together

  • We met 18 months ago and have been inseparable ever since.

Intimate: private and personal; closely acquainted; familiar, close

  • Sometimes, I suddenly remember our intimate moments.

Irresistible: too attractive and tempting to be resisted

  • He finds her irresistible.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With J


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with J this time? Here are some adjectives that start with J which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Jaculable Jimp Joyous
Jaded Jittery Joysome
Jam-packed Jobbing Jubilant
Jaunty Jocose Judicious
Jazzed Jocoserious Juicy
Jazzy Jocular Jumbled
Jealous Joculatory Jumbo
Jessant Jocund Jump
Jestful Joint Jumpy
Jesting Jointed Junior
Jeweled Julie Just
Jiggish Jolly Justified
Jigjog Jovial Juvenile

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for J words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use J words to describe someone.

Jade: of something having the color of jade; especially varying from bluish-green to yellowish-green

  • They will never forget her jade eyes.

Jazzy: marked by conspicuous display

  • Her jazzy appearance aroused suspicion.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With K


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with K this time? Here are some adjectives that start with K which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Kaleidoscopic Keen Kempt
Key King-sized Knowing
Kind Kingly Knowledgeable
Kind-hearted Kissable Known
Kindhearted Knightly Kooky
Kindly Knobby Kosher
Kindred Knotty
Kinetic Knowable

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for K words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use K words to describe someone.

Kindhearted: having a kind and sympathetic nature

  • A kindhearted woman helped me carry my luggage.

Kittenish: playful, lively, or flirtatious

  • Her voice had that kittenish quality.

Kingly: associated with or typical of a king; regal

  • Arthur did not forget his kingly duties.

Kinglike: having the rank of or resembling or befitting a king

  • The people are curiously watching the kinglike man who is performing at the plaza stage.

Knightly: associated with or typical of a knight; chivalrous

  • The Knights of the Round Table went to fulfill their knightly quest.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With L


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with L this time? Here are some adjectives that start with L which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Ladylike Laid-back Large
Last Legitimate Like
Lasting Leisured Like-minded
Latitudinarian Leisurely Liked
Laudable Lenien Likely
Laureate Leonine Limber
Lavish Lepid Limited
Law-abiding Lettered Linear
Lawful Level-headed Lined
Leading Liberal Lionhearted
Leading-edge Liberated Liquid
Leafy Liberating Literary
Learned Light Literate
Legal Light-hearted Lithe
Legendary Lighthearted Lithesome
Legible Lightly Little
Legit Likable Live
Lively Loved Luminous
Livid Lovely Luscious
Logical Loving Lush
Long Low Lustrous
Long-established Loyal Lusty
Long-standing Lucent Luxuriant
Long-term Lucid Luxurious
Lordly Lucky Lumbering
Loud Lucrative Lovable

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for L words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use L words to describe someone.

Ladylike: appropriate for or typical of a well-bred, decorous woman or girl

  • She looks fabulous in her ladylike dress.

Leggy:  having attractively long legs

  • A leggy redhead

Likable: pleasant, friendly, and easy to like

  • You are a very likable person.

Lovely: exquisitely beautiful

  • You have lovely eyes.

Loving: feeling or showing love or great care

  • A kind and loving husband

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With M


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with M this time? Here are some adjectives that start with M which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Made Made-up Magical
Magnanimous Married Measly
Magnetic Marvelous Meaty
Magnificent Masculine Mediate
Maiden Massive Medical
Main Master Meditative
Majestic Masterful Medium
Major Masterly Meek
Male Matchless Mellow
Malleable Maternal Melodic
Manageable Matter-of-fact Melodious
Managerial Mature Memorable
Manifest Maturing Merciful
Manly Maximal Meritable
Mannerly Meager Meritorious
Many Mealy Merry
Marked Meaningful Mesmerizing
Metallic Minty Moral
Metaphysical Miraculous More
Meteoric Mirthful Mortified
Methodical Misty Most
Meticulous Mitigative Mother
Mettlesome Mitigatory Motherly
Mighty Mixed Motionless
Mild Model Motivated
Milky Modern Motivating
Mindful Modernistic Motivational
Mindless Modest Motor
Miniature Moist Mountainous
Minikin Momentous Moving
Ministerial Moneyed Much
Minor Monthly Mucho
Mint Monumental Multicolored
Multidimensional Munificent Mutual
Multidisciplined Muscular Mysterious
Multifaceted Musical Must

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for M words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use M words to describe someone.

Mad: mentally ill; insane

  • He felt as if he were going mad.

Maladroit: ineffective or bungling; clumsy

HR will probably fire the maladroit worker.

Merciless: showing no mercy or pity

  • The merciless killer has escaped.

Mousy: nervous, shy, or timid; lacking in presence or charisma

  • His mousy sister had become a dynamic journalist.

Muddle-headed: mentally disorganized or confused

  • A muddle-headed idealist with utopian views can be very dangerous.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With N


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with N this time? Here are some adjectives that start with N which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Narrow Neighborly Noetic
National Neoteric Nonchalant
Nationwide Nestling Nonpareil
Native Never-failing Nonstop
Natty New Normal
Natural New-fashioned Notable
Nautical Newborn Noted
Near Next Noteworthy
Nearby Nice Noticeable
Neat Nifty Nourished
Necessary Nimble Nourishing
Needed Nimble-witted Novel
Negligible Nippy Now
Neighboring Noble Nubile
Nutrimental Nocturnal Number one

Describe a Person

If you are wondering about N-words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use N-words to describe someone.

Naive: showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment

  • The rather naive young man had been totally misled.

Nasty: behaving in an unpleasant or spiteful way.

  • Harry was a nasty, foul-mouthed old devil.

Naughty: disobedient; badly behaved

  • You’ve been a really naughty boy.

Negligent: failing to take proper care in doing something

  • Directors have been negligent in the performance of their duties.

Nervous: easily agitated or alarmed; tending to be anxious; highly strung

  • He had let his weakness get the best of him because he is such a nervous person.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With O


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with O this time? Here are some adjectives that start with O which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Obedient Objective Obliging
Oblong Open-hearted Ornate
Observant Open-minded Ornery
Obtainable Operative Out-of-sight
Obvious Opportune Out-of-this-world
Occasional Optimal Outgoing
Oecumenical Optimistic Outlandish
Official Optimum Outlying
OK Opulent Outrageous
Okay Orange Outstanding
Olympian Orderly Oval
On Ordinary Overflowing
Once Organic Overjoyed
One Organized Overriding
Onward Oriented Overt
Open Original
Open-handed Ornamental

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for O words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use O words to describe someone.

Oafish: stupid, uncultured, or clumsy

  • Her oafish husband will never win her family’s approval.

Obnoxious: extremely unpleasant

  • He was a woman-chasing, obnoxious bastard in a dozen different ways.

Obsessive: affected by an obsession

  • She became obsessive about her schoolwork

Offhand: ungraciously or offensively nonchalant or cool in manner

  • His offhand way of talking offends people.

Officious: assertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.

  • A policeman came to move them on, an officious, spiteful man

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With P


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with P this time? Here are some adjectives that start with P which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Palatable Pally Palpable
Par excellence Paradisiac Paradisiacal
Parallel Paramount Parched
Parental Parnassian Partial
Participant Participative Particular
Partisan Passionate Pastel
Paternal Patient Peaceable
Peaceful Peachy Peerless
Penetrating Peppery Peppy
Perceptive Perfect Perfumed
Periodic Perky Permanent
Permissive Perseverant Persevering
Persistent Personable Personal
Perspective Perspicacious Perspicuous
Persuasive Pert Pertinent
Pet Petite Petty
Phenomenal Philanthropic Philoprogenitive
Philosophical Physical Picked
Picturesque Piercing Pierian
Pilot Pink Pioneering
Pious Piquant Pithy
Pivotal Placid Plain
Plaintive Plastic Plausible
Playful Pleasant Pleased
Pleasing Pleasurable Plenary
Plenteous Plentiful Plenty
Pliable Plucky Plummy
Plump Plus Plush
Poetic Poignant Pointed
Poised Polished Polite
Political Popular Portly
Posh Positive Possible
Potable Potent Potential
Powerful Practicable Practical
Practised Pragmatic Praiseworthy
Prayerful Precious Precise
Predominant Preeminent Preferable
Preferred Premier Premium
Prepared Preponderant Prepotent
Present Prestigious Pretty
Prevailing Prevalent Prevenient
Previous Primal Primary
Prime Prime mover Primed
Primo Princely
Principled Pristine Private
Privileged Prize Prized
Prizewinning Pro Proactive
Probable Probative Procurable
Prodigious Productive Professional
Proficient Profitable Profound
Profuse Progressive Prolific
Prominent Promising Prompt
Proper Propertied Prophetic
Propitious Prospective Prosperous
Protean Protective Proud
Provocative Prudent Psyched up
Public-spirited Puissant Pukka
Pulchritudinous Pumped up Punchy
Punctilious Punctual Pungent
Puny Pure Purple

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for P words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use P words to describe someone.

Patient: able to accept or tolerate delays, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious

  • A patient teacher rears an excellent student.

Peaceable: inclined to avoid an argument or violent conflict.

  • They were famed as an industrious, peaceable, practical people.

Penitent: feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentant.

  • His penitent expression worked in winning her forgiveness.

Perky: cheerful and lively

  • A perky child makes everyone happy.

Proficient: competent or skilled in doing or using something.

  • I was proficient at my job.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With Q


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with Q this time? Here are some adjectives that start with Q which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Quaint Qualified Qualitative
Quality Quantifiable Quarterly
Queenly Quemeful Questionable
Quick Quick-witted Quiet
Quietsome Quintessential Quirky
Quiver Quixotic Quizzical

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for Q words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use Q words to describe someone.

Qualified: meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position

  • The company is looking for a qualified technician.

Quality: of high social status

  • Surround yourself with people of quality.

Quirky: characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits

  • He is best known for his quirky sense of humor.

Queenly: fit for or appropriate to a queen

  • Clad in her queenly raiment

Queer: strange; odd

  • A queer incident has been puzzling the police for weeks now.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With R


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with R this time? Here are some adjectives that start with R which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Racy Rad Radiant
Rapid Rapturous Rare
Rational Raw Razor-sharp
Reachable Ready Real
Realistic Realizable Reasonable
Reassuring Recent Receptive
Recherche Recipient Reciprocal
Recognizable Recognized Recommendable
Rectangular Recuperative Red
Red-carpet Refined Reflecting
Reflective Refreshing Refulgent
Regal Regnant Regular
Rejuvenescent Relaxed Relevant
Reliable Relieved Remarkable
Remissive Remote Renowned
Repentant Reputable Required
Resilient Resolute Resolved
Resounding Resourceful Respectable
Respectful Resplendent Responsible
Responsive Restful Restorative
Retentive Revealing Revered
Reverent Revitalizing Revolutionary
Revolving Rewardable Rewarding
Rhapsodic Rich Right
Righteous Rightful Ringed
Ripe Risible Roasted
Robust Rollicking Romantic
Rooted Rosy Rotating
Round Rounded Rousing
Royal Rugged Ruling
Runny Rural

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for R words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use R words to describe someone.

Rational: able to think clearly, sensibly, and logically

  • Always look for a friend with a rational character.

Reasonable: having sound judgment; fair and sensible

  • No reasonable person could have objected.

Receptive: willing to consider or accept new suggestions and ideas

  • The presenters are very lucky to have such a receptive audience.

Reflective: relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful

  • A quiet, reflective, astute man stands behind the post.

Responsible: Capable of being trusted

  • A responsible young man wins the heart of a lady.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With S

Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with S this time? Here are some adjectives that start with S which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Saccharine Sacred Sacrosanct
Safe Sagacious Sage
Saintly Salient Salubrious
Salutary Salutiferous Same
Sanctified Sanctimonious Sanctioned
Sandy Sane Sanguine
Sapid Sapient Sapoforic
Sassy Satisfactory Satisfied
Satisfying Saucy Saving
Savory Savvy Scenic
Scented Scholarly Scientific
Scintillating Scrumptious Scrupulous
Seamless Seasonal Seasoned
Second Second-hand Second-to-none
Secondary Secret Secure
Sedulous Seemly Select
Self-assertive Self-assured Self-confident
Self-disciplined Self-made Self-reliant
Self-sacrificing Self-starting Self-sufficient
Selfless Sensational Sensible
Sensitive Sensual Sensuous
Sentimental Separate Sequacious
Serendipitous Serene Serious
Service Set Settled
Several Severe Sexual
Sexy Shabby Shadowy
Shapely Sharp Shatterproof
Sheen Shimmering Shining
Shiny Shipshape Shocked
Short Short-term Showy
Shrewd Sightly Significant
Silent Silken Silky
Silver Silver-toned Silvery
Similar Simple Simplistic
Sincere Sinewy Single
Singular Sisterly Sizable
Sizzling Skeletal Skilled
Skillful Sleek Slick
Slight Slim Slimy
Slinky Slippery Slow
Smacking Small Smart
Smashing Smiley Smooth
Snap Snappy Snazzy
Snod Snoopy Snug
Soaring Sociable Social
Societal Soft Soft-hearted
Soigne Solicitous Solid
Sonsy Sooth Soothing
Sophisticated Sought-after Soulful
Sound Souped-up Soupy
Sour Sovereign Spacious
Spangly Spanish Spanking
Sparkling Sparkly Special
Specific Spectacular Specular
Speedy Spellbinding Spherical
Spicy Spiffy Spirited
Spiritual Splendid Splendiferous
Spontaneous Sport Sporting
Sportive Sporty Spot
Spot on Spotless Sprightly
Spruce Spry Spunky
Square Stable Stacked
Stainless Stalwart Staminal
Stand-up Standard Standing
Star Starchy Stark
Starry State Stately
Statuesque Staunch Steadfast
Steady Steamy Steel
Stellar Sterling Sthenic
Stick-to-itive Stimulant Stimulating
Stimulative Stipendiary Stirred
Stirring Stocky Stoical
Storied Stout Stouthearted
Straight Straight-out Straightforward
Strange Strapping Strategic
Street-smart Streetwise Strenuous
Strict Strident Striking
Striped Strong Studious
Stunning Stupendous Sturdy
Stylish Suasive Suave
Sublime Substant Substantial
Substantive Subtle Suburban
Successful Succinct Succulent
Sufficient Sugary Suitable
Sultry Summary Summery
Sumptuous Sun-kissed Sunny
Super Super-duper Superabundant
Superb Supereminent Superethical
Superexcellent Superficial Superfluous
Superior Superlative Supernal
Supersonic Supple Supportive
Supreme Sure Sure-fire
Sure-footed Sure-handed Surpassing
Surprised Sustained Svelte
Swank Swashbuckling Sweet
Swell Swift Swish
Sybaritic Sylvan Symmetrical
Sympathetic Symphonious Synergistic

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for Swords to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use Swords to describe someone.

Sagacious: having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.

  • They were sagacious enough to avoid any outright confrontation.

Sane: of sound mind; not mad or mentally ill

  • Hard work kept me sane

Scholarly: having or showing knowledge, learning, or devotion to academic pursuits

  • He is a scholarly man.

Scintillating: brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful

  • The audience loved his scintillating wit.

Scrupulous:  diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details

  • A scrupulous researcher assures the consistency of the result of her study.

Supportive: providing encouragement or emotional help

  • The staff is extremely supportive of each other.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With T


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with T this time? Here are some adjectives that start with T which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Tactful Tailor-made Take-charge
Talented Tall Tame
Tan Tangible Tart
Tasteful Tasty Teachable
Teeming Tempean Temperate
Tenable Tenacious Tender
Tender-hearted Terrific Testimonial
Thankful Thankworthy Therapeutic
Thorough Those Thoughtful
Thrifty Thrilled Thrilling
Thriving Tidy Tight
Time-honored Time-saving Timeless
Timely Tinted Tiny
Tiptop Tireless Titanic
Titillating Today Together
Tolerant Top Top drawer
Top-notch Tops Total
Totally-tubular Touching Tough
Trailblazing Trained Tranquil
Transcendent Transcendental Transient
Transnormal Transparent Transpicuous
Traveled Treasured Tremendous
Tetris Triangular Trim
Triumphant TRUE True-blue
Trustful Trusting Trustworthy
Trusty Truthful Tubular
Tuneful Turgent Twin

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for T words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use T words to describe someone

Tactful: having or showing tact

  • She is tactful professionally.

Tasteful: showing good aesthetic judgment or appropriate behavior

  • He is tasteful and sophisticated.

Thrifty: using money and other resources carefully and not wastefully

  • My mom raised me to be a thrifty person.

Tireless: having or showing great effort or energy

  • The party’s tireless campaigner had successfully secured the victory of the team.

Tolerant: showing a willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.

  • We must be tolerant of others.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With U


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with U this time? Here are some adjectives that start with U which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Uber Ultimate Ultra
Ultraprecise Unabashed Unadulterated
Unaffected Unafraid Unalloyed
Unambiguous Unanimous Unarguable
Unassuming Unattached Unbeaten
Unbelievable Unbiased Unbigoted
Unblemished Unbroken Uncommon
Uncomplicated Unconditional Unconscious
Uncontestable Unconventional Uncorrupted
Uncritical Undamaged Undauntable
Undaunted Undefeated Undefiled
Undeniable Under control Understandable
Understanding Understated Understood
Undesigning Undiminished Undisputed
Undivided Undoubted Unencumbered
Unequaled Unequalled Unequivocal
Unerring Unfailing Unfaltering
Unfaultable Unfeigned Unfettered
Unflagging Unflappable Ungrudging
Unhampered Unharmed Unhesitating
Unhurt Unified Uniform
Unimpaired Unimpeachable Unimpeded
Unique United Universal
Unlimited Unmistakable Unmitigated
Unobjectionable Unobstructed Unobtrusive
Unopposed Unpretentious Unquestionable
Unrefuted Unreserved Unrivalled
Unruffled Unselfish Unshakable
Unshaken Unspoiled Unspoilt
Unstoppable Unsullied Unsurpassed
Untarnished Untiring Untouched
Untroubled Ununprejudiced Unusual
Unwavering Up Up-front
Up-to-date Upbeat Upcoming
Uplifted Uplifting Uppermost
Upright Upset Upstanding
Upward Upwardly Urban
Urbane Usable Useful
Useless User-friendly Utmost

Describe a Person

If you are looking for U words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use U words to describe someone.

Unarmed: not equipped with or carrying weapons

  • He was shooting unarmed civilians

Unbiased: showing no prejudice for or against something; impartial

  • He remained unbiased

Understanding: sympathetically aware of other people’s feelings; tolerant and forgiving

  • People expect their doctor to be understanding

Unhurried: moving, acting, or taking place without haste or urgency

  • Her unhurried movements irritate the people behind her.

Unimpeachable: not able to be doubted, questioned, or criticized; entirely trustworthy

  • An unimpeachable witness has proven the accused guilty.

Unruffled: not agitated or disturbed; calm

  • Julius replied in an unruffled tone

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With V


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with V this time? Here are some adjectives that start with V which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Vacant Vain Valiant
Valid Validatory Valorous
Valuable Valued Vapid
Variable Vast Vaulting
Vehement Velvety Venerable
Venerated Venturesome Venue
Veracious Verdurous Veridical
Verifiable Verified Versatile
Versed Very Vestal
Veteran Viable Vibrant
Vibratile Victor Victorious
Vigilant Vigorous Violet
Virile Virtual Virtuous
Visible Visionary Vital
Vivacious Vivid Vocal
Volant Volitional Voluminous
Voluptuous Vulnerary

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for V words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use V words to describe someone.

Versatile: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities

  • A versatile player performs well.

Victorious: having won a victory; triumphant

  • They gave the trophy to the victorious team

Vigorous: strong, healthy, and full of energy

  • A vigorous team play secured the victory.

Vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties

  • The burglar was spotted by vigilant neighbors.

Virtuous: having or showing high moral standards

  • She considered herself very virtuous because she neither drank nor smoked

Vocal: expressing opinions or feelings freely or loudly

  • He was vocal in condemning the action

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With W


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with W this time? Here are some adjectives that start with W which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Wanted Warm Warm-hearted
Warmhearted Warranted Wasteful
Watchful Waterlogged Watery
Wavy Wealthy Weekly
Weighty Welcome Welcomed
Welcoming Weleful Welfaring
Well Well-behaved Well-built
Well-disposed Well-documented Well-established
Well-founded Well-groomed Well-grounded
Well-informed Well-intentioned Well-known
Well-liked Well-lit Well-made
Well-meaning Well-off Well-planned
Well-read Well-received Well-spoken
Well-suited Well-timed Well-to-do
Well-worn Welsome Wet
Whimsical White Whiz-bang
Whole Wholehearted Wholesome
Whopping Wide Wide-awake
Wide-eyed Widely used Wild
Willed Willing Winding
Windy Winged Winning
Winsome Wired Wise
With it Within reach Without equal
Witty Wizard Wizardly
Wobbly Won Wonderful
Wondrous Wooden Wordy
Workable World-class Worldly
Worldly-wise Worshipful Worth
Worthwhile Worthy

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for W words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use W words to describe someone.

Wellborn: coming from a noble, respected, or wealthy family

  • Her suitor is a wellborn gentleman from Oxford.

Well-bred: having or showing good breeding or manners

  • His well-bred demeanor stands out among the rest.

Well-mannered: having or showing good manners; polite

  • A ­well-mannered officer assisted the distressed lady.

Wise: having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment

  • King Solomon was a wise ruler.

Worldly: experienced and sophisticated

  • The worldly nobleman has been the object of admiration of the noblewomen.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With X


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with X this time? Here are some adjectives that start with X which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Xenial Xenodochial

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for X words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use X words to describe someone.

Xenial: relating to hospitality between host and guest

  • You can notice that this is a xenial community

Xenodochial: friendly to strangers

  • Xenodochial owner almost invited a burglar in her house.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!



Positive Adjectives That Start With Y


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with Y this time? Here are some adjectives that start with Y which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Yearly Yellow Yellowish
Yern Young Young-at-Heart
Youthful Yummy

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for Y words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use Y words to describe someone.

Yankee: used by Southerners for an inhabitant of a northern state in the United States (especially a Union soldier)

  • A Yankee soldier retired to the Maldives after World War I.

Youthful: suggestive of youth; vigorous and fresh

  • Do not forget your skincare routine to achieve youthful skin.

Positive compliments call for positive returns! It’s always nice to use positive adjectives and appreciate the good things in everything. Good thing we have this list to help you find the right positive adjectives to use!


Positive Adjectives That Start With Z


Positive Adjectives


Need positive adjectives that start with Z this time? Here are some adjectives that start with Z which you can choose from. Take your time browsing through the adjectives.

Zaftig Zany Zappy
Zazzy Zealand Zealful
Zealous Zestful Zesty
Zigzag Zingy Zippy
Zootrophic Zooty

Describe a Person

If you are wondering for Z words to describe a person, don’t waste your time anymore! We have a list of sample sentences that use Z words to describe someone.

Zealous: marked by active interest and enthusiasm

  • A zealous sports fan queued three hours to get an autograph.

Zesty:  lively and pleasing

  • That zesty young woman is a well-known doctor in this village.

Zaftig: (of a female body) healthily plump and vigorous

  • Zaftig lady in an orange dress is called Mrs. Pumpkin.

Zippy: marked by lively action

  • A zippy performer attracted a crowd.

Accurate enough? Sometimes, a more honest description is much more appreciated by the others. And we start off with A to Z adjectives and some sample sentences to guide you. Our lists of A to Z adjectives are sure to provide you exactly what you need to accurately describe whatever you want to describe. Just make sure that these A to Z adjectives are used accordingly based on their meanings.

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